佛山市宝陶机械设备有限公司是制造各类:陶瓷、石材、玻璃、深加工机械设备的**厂家,产品质量过硬、售后服务完善,品种系列规格齐全。主要产品有:圆弧机抛光机、石材线条机抛光机、多功能抛光机、平面抛光机、智能水刀、磨边机、带数控自动切割机、全自动干切线等各种陶瓷深加工设备。产品遍及全国各省、市、区、并**欧美、东南亚等多个国家和地区。 公司以“提供先进的深加工设备与技术支持”为使命,以“诚信、创新、负责、关爱”为核心,坚持“完善的售后服务”为理念,为您设计更多财富! 宝陶愿与您:携手**,合作共赢! Foshan Bao Tao machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a well-known brand manufacturer of various kinds of ceramics, stone, glass, deep processing machinery and equipment. It is a good faith member of the Foshan Machinery Industry Association. It was founded in 2005. After 14 years of research and development, we ..